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This is Brent and I'm going to tell you about the private 1-1 sessions that I offer and how you can get one for free.


These sessions are as unique as the clients that I work with, but there are some major overarching outcomes that I help them all create:

1) Get out of your head and ground into peace.

If you find you're constantly thinking, planning, analyzing then you probably don't feel very secure or peaceful. You also probably have an overwhelming amount of negative emotion such as fear, worry, despair, grief, and shame. In these sessions I show you how to find the deep, abiding river of peace inside and anchor yourself in it.


2) Get disciplined, consistent, and productive.

If you struggle with the above, I share with you a decade's worth of insight on how to install good habits, get rid of bad ones, and repair your ability to follow through on your word.

3) Trust yourself and act according to your intuition.

When you recognize and align with your intuition - life immediately goes from being a stagnate drag to a juicy adventure. Trust and intuition are potent tools to breathing new life into your situation.


What happens in the sessions

The sessions take place online, with or without camera, they're about an hour long and have the general feel of a relaxed conversation between friends.​

In these sessions I'm holding space for your growth and healing. This means I'm either listening deeply, asking more questions, or sharing with you the insights that appear to me. I follow what my intuition shows to me and will encourage you to do the same.

I don't come to these talks with an agenda, instead I'm only interested in getting to the very core of the issue at hand. If something is troubling you, once we reach the heart of it, we'll certainly find a false, painful idea that you are convinced of. Once this is made clear, we can align you with the truth of your being, and wellness can once again flow there.

Why give a session away for free? How much do they cost?

Why for free?

I'm generally at loss to properly convey the true value of these sessions. Usually people come away from these blown away by the insight and healing they received.


Some people just take the one session and run, others sign up for more. Those that enroll for ongoing packages typically get life-changing results. They experience profound inner peace and achieve a host of greater results in their outer lives. Often they sign up their spouses and siblings to get work from me too.


Therefore the best way that I know how to explain the value of this work is by giving you a full session so that you can see for yourself. That's why it's free.


I try my best not to talk about my pricing before we first meet because I charge a decent amount for my work and when someone hears the number they inevitably tune out immediately.

Furthermore, my prices tend to vary based on how full my client roster is, how much financial suppport you need, and what kind of package you're interested in - the longer the package, the better rate you get on a per session basis.

With that said, I can give you a range of my pricing based on these factors. On a per session basis, I'm unlikely to go any lower than $75 CAD nor higher than $175 CAD. Make sure you convert the currency from CAD into your native one.

By getting a free session you're not expected to buy anything

Not all, but a certain percentage of applicants will enroll for ongoing work with me and this business model is working for me for now.

How to sign up for a free private session

You can book your free private session by clicking through to my calendar below.

Please note this is my rough availability and may need to adjust the time depending on what I'm up at that time.


Client Testimonials

©2023 by Brent Huras.

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